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Your Expert for Heating and Cooling Solutions in Salem, NH

Jake Zwart and His team at PureTemp Heating and Cooling is your trusted partner for comprehensive heating and cooling solutions in Salem, NH. As a proud veteran-owned business, we’re dedicated to offering you top-of-the-line service and expertise. Our technicians have experience servicing various systems, including residential HVAC, commercial HVAC, data centers, oil furnaces, and more. What sets us apart from other technicians? We put our customers’ needs at the forefront. We focus on providing personalized customer service and are committed to giving you honest and straightforward guidance. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your heating and cooling needs.

veteran holding up american flag

Supporting Veterans and First Responders

We’re a veteran-owned business dedicated to supporting those who serve our community. As a way to express our gratitude for their selfless service and sacrifice, we actively engage in initiatives to give back to veterans and first responders. We believe in fostering a strong community bond and honoring the bravery of those who protect and serve us. Our goal is to make a positive impact in their lives. Contact our team today to learn more about our support efforts and how you can join us in making a difference in the community.

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NATE-Certified Technicians

Our technicians are NATE-certified, which means they have passed rigorous testing to ensure they meet the industry’s highest standards. NATE, or North American Technician Excellence, is a leading certification program that evaluates an HVAC technician’s knowledge in real-world scenarios and their ability to provide solutions. This certification reflects our commitment to quality service and expert knowledge. We continuously train and update our skillset to stay ahead in the industry so that every service call meets your expectations and enhances your comfort. When you choose us, you choose peace of mind, knowing your heating and cooling needs are in the hands of experts.

Heating and Cooling Solutions for Homes and Businesses

At PureTemp Heating and Cooling, we provide comprehensive heating and cooling solutions for home and business owners. We proudly serve residents in Salem, Windham, NH, and Atkinson, NH. Whether you’re a homeowner needing an HVAC system replaced or a business owner needing improved energy efficiency, our customer-centered approach and knowledgeable team will have your heating and cooling systems performing optimally. Trust us for reliable HVAC installation and repair. Contact us today to learn more.

Call Now and Experience Reliable HVAC Services